Wednesday, July 15, 2009

#6 of 365: Scrub a Dub

Someone tried to steal my car this morning around 1am. The lock on my door was destroyed and the door was slightly open when I got to it. Luckily my car alarm went off and woke me up. I was so scared and nervous about and for my car that I hardly slept the rest of the night. I tried to sleep in but got up and washed my car instead.


Just me said...

Sorry about your car - but glad it's ok. I really love your blog. Hope you don't mind if I follow along. :) Oh, and your hair is so fantastic red. Use to have mine a color like that but it always washed out. What's your secret? If you don't mind a total stranger asking. If you do - just ignore that. :)

Misty said...

Thank goodness for your alarm! =) I've had my stolen and it is not fun!