Sunday, July 12, 2009

#3 of 365: Concrete Shoes

I see these giant concrete pipes off the freeway all the time and have wanted to take pictures of people there for months. So I stopped on my way home from church today. Let me tell you what a pain it was to trek through the weeds and dirt and ants to get to these pipes. I fell to my knees while getting off the pipe, I twisted my ankle while negotiating my way through the prickly weeds, I sunk into the dirt and had to pulled my foot and shoe out. My feet were killing me from walking back and forth from the tripod to the pipe for each shot. I only took 5 photos and left. And I did it all in 4 inch heels!


Misty said...

This is an awesome picture. It was worth the trek. I love it! =)

Cindy said...

I love this picture. The contrast of the green and red look great. You should start selling some of your prints on etsy.

Lori Killian said...

cute outfit... well, the bottom half is cute. There is a top half right?