Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tubing down the river

At the end of summer, before the bug boys went home, we went tubing down the river. The weather was perfect, the water too. Except that the river was really low. So low that we had to lift our butts up or we'd get stuck. So low that we almost didn't need the tubes, we could have walked down the river.

Desirae, Kyle and I on our way to the river.

At the place where we started there is a rope swing so nearly everyone jumped in the river that way.




Remember how I said that the water was really low. was low even where they jumped from the rope swing. Stupid. But if they landed just right they wouldn't get hurt. Except Desirae landed right on her butt and hit the bottom of the river hard. Ouch! She was in pain the rest of the trip.

Russell P.

Chad with Ben and Kyle in the background.

Me and Kyle

Me walking down the river with my sunblock of course.

We had an extra tube so Rusty rigged this fancy schmancy seat. Look at him chillin'.


Me and Desirae

We played Desirae's favorite game as we floated down the river. It is "Ask Everyone A Million Questions Game." Our favorite questions lately have been "What is the best part about being married/single?" "What is the worst part about being married/single?" We love to hear everyone's answers! For the most part most married people answer similarly, and most single people answer similarly. If you'd like to tell me your answers place them in the comment box or ask me to ask you when I see you.

Chad on his pool floatie, Ozzie looking like he's stuck, Desirae touching the bottom of the river, Rusty checking me out.

About to go under the walkway and the freeway and the train tracks.

Desirae looking like a supermodel.

Rusty and Chad

It's kind of hard to see but I was covered in dirt and mud while trying to wash off the tubes.

There is also a rope swing at the place where we get out of the river so the boys didn't some last jumps. This is Rusty again.


Amy said...

that looked hecka fun! makes me miss california...

Lori Killian said...

I'm jealous... It's getting cold here and I'm sure that if I jumped in a river I would die.