Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Christina's Shortlist

1. Los Angeles Lakers - I've been forced to watch almost every Laker game of the entire playoffs by my boyfriend Johnathan, who is a major Laker fan. And I have to admit I am now a fan. They are just a great team filled with great players. Seriously, try and watch Kobe play and not drool over his athletic ability.

2. Cakesters - My friend Shaun introduced me to these awesome snack cakes from heaven. I've tried all the different kinds. Double Stuf. Golden. Peanut Butter. All are amazing but the peanut butter is my favorite.

3. The Spill Canvas - I've loved these guys for over a year now and have all their albums. My friend Jacky and I went to see them at Slim's in San Francisco last month and they were amazing! I even met most of them before they performed and had my picture taken with them. Basically we're best friends now. I just have to say that Nick, the lead singer, is incredibly sexy and I could watch him perform every night for the rest of our lives.

4. Hydrangeas - My favorite flower is in bloom right now. I even have a giant bush of them right outside my bedroom window. I love them in pink the best.

5. Sundresses - I love wearing dresses! I wear one most days even if my legs are not shaved. I bought these two at Old Navy recently. Except the one on the bottom is all black.

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