Saturday, January 2, 2010

#177 of 365: Brutal Bashing

I was bored and Rusty wanted me to come over to shoot shotguns with him and Matt. When I got there the boys had taken a break from shooting to light some bottle rockets. Not too long after I got there though, the sheriff showed up and wanted to know what we were doing, where the gun came from, what we were shooting, did we know that fireworks were illegal, etc. Luckily, he let us off the hook after making us dump the rest of the bottle rockets in a bucket of water. Darn! So that ended all the fun. So then we all were bored. But Rusty got this "great" idea that we should all break a clay pigeon over our own heads. So each of us loaded a clay pigeon in the launcher and took turns basically slamming it down on our head, while the other two watched and video taped. When it was my turn I guess I didn't hit it hard enough because it didn't break on the first try. The second hit was a winner. And it didn't even hurt that bad. I had a bruise later though.