Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Californians: Vote YES on Prop 8

On California's ballot this November is a proposition that will add an amendment to the state constitution that states: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” I really believe that this is a turning point in our state, our country and our lives. The ramifications of the outcome of this proposition will be far reaching, effecting our society and our families. If you live in California please vote on November 4th and vote YES on Prop 8. No matter what state you live in please educate yourself about this issue, and also, pray for the voters in California that their hearts will be softened and compelled to support this incredibly important proposition.

There are couple of really cool and informative websites in support of Prop 8. Go check them out!
Protect Marriage has a ton of information, an inspiring blog, t-shirts, news and much more.
Preserve Marriage has a bunch of little videos answering questions regarding Prop 8 and reasons to support it.